iPhone apps
iPhone apps
We currently have six iPhone apps available in the iPhone app store. To get to the listing in the app store for any of these apps just click on the icon.
Free Apps
Paid apps
After you have downloaded the app when you tap the technique button that says “DOWNLOAD” you will get the audio clips downloaded into the memory of your iPhone. Each technique will take from a few seconds to a minute or two depending on the speed of your Internet connection.
In addition you might enjoy and benefit from seeing the PowerPoint video that explains the penetrating insights into each of the problems specifically addressed in each app and also tells the story about how I discovered the first of these powerful Pure Awareness Techniques. They each have their own URL. Here’s the list of them if you’d like to check any of them out:
iphone apps landing pages –
vaporizeyourfibromyalgia.com (free)
vaporizeyournightmares.com (free)
vaporizeyourgrief.com (free)
vaporizeyourheartbreak.com (free)
vaporizeyourresentments.com (free)
vaporizeyourfearofrejection.com (paid $19.99)
Additional mobile apps are being created for the topics listed below and will be available soon. While they are in development you can still access them on your iPhone or iPad via our responsive website.
- Vaporize Your Depression
- Vaporize Your Anxiety
- Vaporize Your Fibromyalgia
- Vaporize Your Resentments
- Vaporize Your Stress
- Vaporize Your Nightmares
- Vaporize Your Grief
- Vaporize Your Heartbreak
Average Rating
Detailed Rating
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Stars 4 |
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Stars 3 |
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Stars 2 |
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Stars 1 |
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