Vaporize Your Nightmares 1-on-1 sessions
Vaporize Your Nightmares 1-on-1 sessions
Nightmares are typically caused by unresolved traumas. They are one of the primary symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We have had amazing results with helping people get rid of their nightmares, sometimes in as little as one session although it can take 1 to 3 sessions depending upon the severity and the number of traumas that need resolution.
The resolution of the traumas is actually quite easy using the Pure Awareness Technique called the IN Technique. You can see a short video of Angela Howard from the UK telling her story about having horrifc nightmares for 8 years and getting rid of them completely in just one session. The video is here – No More Nightmares
Because the number of traumas and the length of time it takes to resolve them varies we allow for up to 2 hours for this kind of session. Experience has shown that between 1 and a half and 2 hours is usually about the right duration for these special sessions.
We have many highly experienced Certified Inner Greatness Coaches who can help you with this. You can see the list of the coaches here – Certified Inner Greatness Coaches – and you can check their individual profiles and choose the one you sense is the right one for you by clicking on the link or picture in the list.
To book a Vaporize Your Nightmares 1-on-1 session use the form below. Select 1-on-1 coaching and the 2 hour session. Then chose your coach and a convenient day and time when they are available.
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