History of Human Software Engineering

What is Human Software Engineering?

Tom Stone has been pioneering the New Science of Human Software Engineering since 1994. Human Software Engineering (HSE) is an emerging science that views the body and everything in it as patterns of energy and information. The concept is to be able to “debug” and “upgrade” people’s inner human software.

Everyone’s conditioning and inner conflicts are held in our bodies as patterns of energy and information. Intellectual understanding and will power alone are typically ineffective at removing these energy patterns. Just as intellectually understanding that you have a virus on your computer doesn’t get it off of the hard drive. You must run the appropriate anti-virus software to remove the electro-magnetic charge that “is” the virus.

When we are not getting the output we want, such as optimal health and wellness, financial success, fulfilling relationships, etc., HSE looks to find the “bugs” in the inner human software that are sabotaging the desired output. HSE has discovered the nature of inner human software and how inner human software can be debugged and upgraded.

As an analogy with computers, the software controls the hardware or output. With humans it is similar. Our inner human software comprised of our thoughts, emotions, conditioning, traumas, identifications, intentions, etc. determines what we do – our output.

Like with computers, if you have a “bug” in your inner human software, typically intellectually understanding what it is, doesn’t remove it. You have to run the human equivalent of anti-virus software.

So the first task in the development of HSE was to figure out exactly what the bugs are in our inner human software. With extensive and unique research conducted by Tom Stone, he discovered exactly what our inner human software bugs are and how to debug them… permanently.

Why the New Science of Human Software Engineering is so unique and powerful!

The New Science of Human Software Engineering has discovered that the “bugs” in our inner human software exist as conflicts between what we “think” and what we “know”.

When people want to change something in their life the traditional approaches include such things as personal development books, seminars, coaching and psychology. Most people report that the results of these methods are often less than fully satisfactory. We all know people who have gone to conventional therapy for years and still have their problems. Why is that?

What we think is stored in our mind. It’s our cognitive database. What we experience is stored in our bodies. That’s our experiential database. We “know” things by directly experiencing them. For example, you can’t know what a strawberry tastes like until you have taken a bite.

This means that our “knowing” resides in our body. When you think something but you have experienced something else there is an inner conflict. Such conflicts cloud decision making and result in ineffective action (or no action).

The reason that traditional approaches are not that effective is that when you use only mental methods you are only dealing with half of the equation. You only get access to your “thinking” not your experiential “knowing”. In HSE we use new techniques that allow us to find the conflicts between what you think (your cognitive database) and what you “know” through direct experience (your experiential database). In addition, HSE has developed new techniques that fully and permanently resolve these inner conflicts so that you get the output/results in your life that you really want. HSE liberates you from the powerful influence of your conditioning that has been limiting you and sabotaging your life.

This is why with HSE we can identify and resolve inner conflicts that traditional approaches can’t get to. HSE clients consistently report that just one session of HSE was worth more to them than 5 years of traditional coaching or therapy. And this is why with HSE we get lasting breakthroughs in areas where it has been difficult or impossible to get them in the past.

Here’s an example: Angela had horrific nightmares for 8 years. In just one session of HSE her nightmares were gone that night and haven’t come back. Here’s a short video about her experience of using HSE to get rid of her nightmares.

HSE is so different from anything you have experienced before that you can’t really understand it without experiencing it. In order to do that you can access our special Inner Guidance app and guide yourself through the HSE techniques (also called the Pure Awareness Techniques) at your own pace.

We highly recommend going through some of the Pure Awareness Techniques using the app so that you can directly experience how powerful, fast and effective it is for creating profound and sustainable change.

HSE has a unique set of concepts, models, techniques and tools that now make it possible to rapidly and thoroughly “debug” and “upgrade” your inner human software. The combination of these new resources now make it possible to solve problems and make changes that were difficult or impossible to change in the past. Here are brief explanations of some of the main models and tools of HSE:

  • The Core Dynamics of Human Conditioning
  • The Pure Awareness Techniques
  • The Precision Intuition Tool
  • The Levels of Life
  • The Nature of Emotions
  • The HSE Protocol

There is an important purpose to each of these HSE tools.

The Core Dynamics of Human Conditioning

This set of insights provides the answer to the question – What’s really going on? It makes conscious the unconscious patterns of conditioning that are mostly pre-verbal. This is an essential tool for getting to the real underlying basis of any problem

The Pure Awareness Techniques

The Pure Awareness Techniques provide precise, simple and powerful techniques for resolving the two kinds of Not-useful emotions. They are unique in the personal development/coaching world as they are experiential. They resolve the energy of the not-useful emotions quickly and thoroughly and most importantly they bring you to a state of Pure Awareness at the conclusion of the technique.

The Precision Intuition Tool

This is a new name for muscle-testing. The importance of the learning and using of this tool is that it allows the HSE sessions to be guided by the “knowing” in the body rather than by our “thinking” which tends to be influenced by emotionally reactive thoughts.

The Levels of Life

This model combined with the Precision Intuition Tool allows you to know at what level the problem really resides. It helps to avoid pursuing a path of intervention based on your training and assumptions and instead again let’s the “knowing” of the body guide the selection of the optimal techniques to be used for each situation. It is the starting point of any HSE session.

The Nature of Emotions

This model makes the discrimination between useful and not-useful emotions and shows the structure of the categories of the not-useful emotions and which Pure Awareness Techniques are used for resolving them.

The HSE Protocol

The HSE Protocol is a systematic series of steps that are guided by use of the Precision Intuition Tool. This systematic process helps to insure a positive outcome of every HSE session.

Benefits from Human Software Engineering

  • Resolves a wide range of problems that were difficult or impossible to solve in the past such as trauma, anxiety, stress, burnout, depression, grief, addictions, nightmares, anger, disappointment, frustration, resentments and more.
  • Is fast and cost effective
  • Creates self-sufficiency
  • Creates peace of mind and powerful self-expression
  • Creates clear thinking and decision making
  • Turns average performance into extraordinary performance
  • Develops powerful presence and authenticity
  • Produces permanent results

The Evolution of HSE 

Over the years the language used for HSE has gone through some changes for various reasons. For example, the acronyms that were used for the Pure Awareness Techniques such as – CORE – Center of Remaining Energy, and SEE – Side Entrance Expansion, and GAP – Greater Awareness Place, etc. were found to be a bit problematic when trying to teach the techniques with translation into different languages.

Human Software Engineering was a language that was more technical and focused on the technical processes. Many people did like the computer analogy and it is still a valid language for describing what this work is. It was also tied very much to the use of the WaveMaker Pro, an earlier version of the Quantum Energy Optimizer.

From some years the focus shifted more from the use of the device to putting the emphasis on using the techniques and gaining more Emotional Competence. So for a few years I called it Emotional Mastery Training (EMT). This version focused more on the idea of helping people resolve their emotional pain and reactive emotions and learn how to handle their emotions. It was about learning how to clean up your inner emotional landscape from the accumulation of past unresolved emotions and also keeping it clean by knowing how to resolve new emotional challenges right when they come up, which they do and will certainly continue to do in everyone’s life. So I changed the names of the techniques and other aspects of the tools and models to the EMT terminology.

Recently a new version of the WaveMaker Pro technology mentioned above called the Quantum Energy Optimizer (QEO) was developed specifically to be used in a network of centers where people can use the combination of the Pure Awareness Techniques and the QEO together. I found that the best results come from using this combination of both technologies as this allows us to get rid of all 4 Fundamental Energy Patterns of Human Problems. So with this integration of the QEO with the Pure Awareness Techniques the work went through an additional name change with further simplified language to also make it even easier for translation. I found that this is the most comprehensive and effective way to get rid of the barriers that block people from the fullest expression of their full potential. The new centers are called Inner Greatness Centers and we are opening them all over the world starting in China and the USA. The first 10 centers are open in China and the first one is about to open in the USA.

So HSE is now called Inner Greatness Optimizing (IGO). The following is a chart comparing the terms used for the techniques and models for each of these generations of the evolution of and naming of these different aspects of this work. The underlying concepts, tools, techniques and models are fundamentally the same. There have been some refinements but mainly it is just the names that have changed.



In addition, there are some new things such as the Inner Guidance App and it’s applications for getting rid of depression, anxiety, stress, fibromyalgia, resentments, nightmares and more.

See the Inner Guidance App.

Many webinars, training programs and classes were given by either audio or video on line in the past. We’ve decided to make many of these recordings available now via this web site. The content is still valid. It’s good to just be aware of the different terminology used now. These recordings will soon be available on this site.

As IGO continues to evolve and grow this web site will be the new portal for information about what’s happening. This rebirth of HSE in the form of IGO is designed to support the fulfillment of my person mission which is to remove the pain of the world and to support people in becoming the fullest expression of their inner greatness that they can be.

If you haven’t yet joined the site with a free membership do that here. –

Free Membership

The applications of the techniques are now available in several categories. You can check them out after joining the site via the introductory pages to each category –

If you are new to IGO then you are fortunate to have discovered a body of knowledge and technologies that make it possible to now solve problems that have been difficult or impossible to solve and to upgrade the quality of your life with IGO’s amazing new technologies.

If you are coming back to this work regardless of if you became involved with HSE, EMT or IGO the same warm welcome to you. We hope everyone will enjoy the free resources on this site and to become involved with Inner Greatness Optimizing in whatever ways fit for you.

Wishing for you that you get the maximum benefit of this work so that you can live and enjoy the fullness of your Inner Greatness, really make your unique contribution that you are here to give to the world and have the best possible life that you can live.



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